September 30, 2017 - October 22, 2017


Artist: Fleur Schell
Location: subiaco
SUBIACO GALLERY, 30 SEPTEMBER - 22 OCTOBER. Official Opening 2-4pm Sunday 15 October, Artist Floor Talk 2pm Saturday 14 October. Schell, an internationally renowned ceramic artist living in Perth, looks to French poet Charles Baudelaire who, in 1863, wrote, "Genius is no more than childhood recaptured at will." She tells childhood stories through clay and other materials that reflect a time of innocence, simplicity and purity. Inspired by Pop Surrealism and contemporary Folk Art, the objects Fleur creates are triggered by her immediate surroundings and an engagement in the lives of her two children. Their everyday ponderings, as they grow up in a world in constant flux continue to inspire her.

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